Our values shape everything we do.

We give a 100% to each community we work with.

What does this mean in practise?

It means understanding each individual community we’re working with. We spend time getting to know people. Starting with the needs and potential of the community rather than rolling out generic programs ensure the work we do is tailor-made and well received.

Commitment also means our staff living in the coastal community and helping people overcome problems long after we have finished the initial training.

We are open to new ways of working and with new groups of people.

We challenge ourselves always to look for opportunities to think creatively, show initiative and try new things.

We don’t work in isolation, we partner with government bodies, research institutes and NGOs.

Changing mind-sets and behaviours takes time and determination.

It takes time for people to move away from short-term decision-making towards longer term pay-offs. Encouraging children to read and finish school when neither parent reads well or finished school themselves requires perseverance.

We patiently journey alongside people, modelling the character that we are teaching.

The communities we work with are our partners.

They have the knowledge and experience of their environment and it is their determination which will produce lasting change. We come alongside existing pre-schools, businesses and environmental organisations to help them fulfil their potential.

We exist for people. We want to see people develop and fulfil their potential. We’re interested in people, their culture and their way of life. We want to understand where they are at now and where they want to get to.

This happens best in the context of relationships, that’s why developing trusting relationships is our final value.